Books, Textbook, Edited Volume & Monographs
(each in reverse chronological order)
Taylor, R. B. (2024). Multilevel model foundations: Monopoly data and Stata. New York: Routledge.
Taylor, R. B. (1993) Research methods in criminal justice. New York: McGraw Hill.
Taylor, R. B. (2015). Community Criminology: Fundamentals of Spatial and Temporal Scaling, Ecological Indicators, and Selectivity Bias. New York: NYU Press.
Reviewed in:
American Journal of Sociology 2016 v. 122 (no. 1) 290-292
Contemporary Sociology 2016 v. 45 (no. 6) 803-804
Online appendices
Taylor, R. B. (2001). Breaking away from broken windows: Baltimore Neighborhoods and the nationwide fight against crime, grime, fear and decline. Boulder: Westview.
Reviewed in:
American Journal of Sociology 2001 (September) v. 107 (no. 2) 501-502
Contemporary Sociology 2002 (March) v. 31 (no.2) 220-221.
Technical Appendix
Taylor, R. B. (1988) Human Territorial Functioning: An Empirical Evolutionary Perspective on Individual and Small Group Territorial Cognitions, Behaviors, and Consequences. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Reviewed in:
British Journal of Criminology, 1990, V. 30 No. 2;
Contemporary Psychology, July, 1990;
Contemporary Sociology, May, 1990;
Environment and Behavior, September, 1989;
Man, V. 24, p. 693, 1989.
Edited Book
Taylor, R. B. (Ed.) (1986) Urban Neighborhoods. New York: Praeger.
Monographs (published)
Taylor, R. B. and Harrell, A. (1996) Physical environment and crime. Washington: National Institute of Justice. (NCJ157311) (31 pages) PDF
Gottfredson, S.D., and Taylor, R.B. (1983) America's Correctional Crisis: Prison Crowding and Public Policy. Washington: U.S. GPO. (see Judicature article under publications)
Monographs (unpublished)
Goodman, A.C., and Taylor, R.B. (1983) The Baltimore Neighborhood Fact Book: 1970 and 1980. Baltimore: Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University
Taylor, R. B., Brower, S., & Drain, W. (1979). A map of Baltimore neighborhoods. Baltimore: Center for Metropolitan Planning and Research, Johns Hopkins University.