Chapters in Edited Volumes, Texts, and Handbooks; Book Reviews
Taylor, R. B. (2023). On-site assessments for meso-and micro-scale community criminology. In E. R. Groff & C. P. Haberman (Eds.) Understanding crime and place: A methods handbook. Temple University Press.. pp. 127-133.
Taylor, R. B. (2023). Mixed (a.k.a. multilevel) models. In E. R. Groff & C. P. Haberman (Eds.) Understanding crime and place: A methods handbook. Temple University Press . pp. 242-251.
Taylor, R. B. (2019: October). Incivilities Reduction Policing, Zero Tolerance, and the Retreat from Coproduction: Even Weaker Foundations and Stronger Pressures. In D. Weisburd and A. Braga (Eds.). Policing Innovations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition. pp. 142-164.
Taylor, R. B. (2018). How do we get to causal clarity on physical environment-crime dynamics? In G. Bruinsma & S. Johnson (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Environmental Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press, 56-83
Taylor, R. B. (2011). Communities and Crime Theories: Construct Validation Deficits, a Paucity of Comparisons, and a Boudon-Coleman Metamodel Resolution. In J. MacDonald, J. (Ed.) Measuring crime and criminality (Advances in Criminological Theory, volume 17). (pp. 71-100). New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers. PDF
Taylor, R. B. (2009). Hot spots do not exist, and four other fundamental concerns about hot spots policing. In N. A. Frost, J. D. Freilich & T. R. Clear (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy Proposals from the American Society of Criminology Conference. Belmont, CA: Cengage/Wadsworth. PDF
Taylor, R. B. (2005/2020). Incivilities reduction policing, zero tolerance, and the retreat from coproduction: weak foundations and strong pressures. In D. Weisburd and A. Braga (Eds.). Policing Innovations. Cambridge:
Taylor, R. B. (2005). The Incivilities or "Broken Windows" thesis. In L. E. Sullivan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Taylor, R. B. (2002). Crime prevention through environmental design: Yes, No, Maybe, Unknowable, and All of the Above. In R. Bechtel and A. Churchman (eds.) Handbook of Environmental Psychology . New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 413-426.
Taylor, R. B. (2001). Understanding the connections between physical environment, crime, fear and resident-based control. In J. Q. Wilson, and J. Petersilia (Eds.) Crime: Public policies and crime control. (pp. 413-425). Oakland: ICS Press.
Taylor, R. B. (2001). On the corner of Mount and Fayette. In A. Booth and A. C. Crouter (Eds.) Does It Take a Village? : Community Effects on Children, Adolescents, and Families (pp. 203-210). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Taylor, R. B. (2000). Crime and human ecology: Social disorganization vs. social efficacy. In R. Paternoster and R. Bachman (Eds.), Explaining Criminals and Crime: Essays in Contemporary Criminological Theory. Chicago: Roxbury Publishing. PDF
LaFree, G., Bursik, R., Short, J. F., and Taylor, R. B. (2000). The Changing nature of crime in America. In LaFree, G., Bursik, R., Short, J.F., and Taylor, R. B. (Eds.) (2000). Crime and Justice 2000 Volume 1: Continuities and Change. Washington: National Institute of Justice.
Taylor, R. B. (1999). The Incivilities thesis: Theory, measurement, and policy. In R. H. Langworthy (ed.) Measuring What Matters (pp 65-88). Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice/Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
Taylor, R. B. (1998). Crime in small-scale places: What we know, what we can do about it. In Crime and Place: Plenary Papers of the 1997 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation (pp. 1-22). Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice.
Brower, S., & Taylor, R. B. (1997). Qualities of ideal and real-world neighborhoods. In M. Gray (Ed.), Evolving Environmental Ideals: Changing Ways of Life, Values, and Design Practices (pp. 99-106). Stockholm: Kungl Tekniska Hogskolan.
Taylor, R. B. (1997). Relative impacts of disorder, structural change, and crime in residents and business personnel in Minneapolis-St. Paul. In S. Lab (Ed.), Community crime prevention at the crossroads. Cincinnati: Anderson.
Taylor, R. B. (1991). Urban communities and crime. In M. Gottdiener & E. Pickvance (Eds.), Urban life in transition. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Taylor, R. B., & Kagehiro, D. K. (1991). Probationers on home confinement with electronic monitoring: Individual, system, and community concerns. In D. K. Kagehiro & W. S. Laufer (Eds.), Handbook of Law and Psychology. New York: Springer Verlag.
Kagehiro, D. K., & Taylor, R. B. (1991). Exploring the Fourth Amendment: 'Reasonable expectation of privacy' in consent searches. In D. K. Kagehiro & W. S. Laufer (Eds.), Handbook of Law and Psychology. New York: Springer Verlag.
Greene, J. R., & Taylor, R. B. (1988). Community-based policing and foot patrol: Issues of theory and evaluation. In J. R. Greene & S. D. Mastrofski (Eds.), Community policing: Rhetoric or reality?. New York: Praeger.
Gottfredson, S. D., Warner, B. D., & Taylor, R. B. (1988). Conflict and consensus in criminal justice settings. In N. Walker & M. Hough (Eds.), Sentencing and the public. London: Gower.
Gottfredson, S. D., & Taylor, R. B. (1988). Community contexts and criminal offenders. In T. Hope & M. Shaw (Eds.), Crime and community context. London: HMSO.
Taylor, R. B. (1987). Toward an environmental psychology of disorder. In D. Stokols & I. Altman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology. New York: Wiley.PDF
Taylor, R. B., & Gottfredson, S. D. (1987). Environmental design, crime, and prevention: An Examination of community dynamics. In A. J. Reiss & M. Tonry (Eds.), Communities and crime (Crime and justice: An Annual review of research) (Vol. 8, pp. 387-416). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Gottfredson, S. D., & Taylor, R. B. (1987). Attitudes of correctional policymakers and the public. In S. D. Gottfredson & S. McConville (Eds.), America's correctional crisis. New York: Greenwood Press.
Gottfredson, S. D., & Taylor, R. B. (1985). Person-environment interactions in the prediction of recidivism. In J. M. Byrne & R. Sampson (Eds.), The Social psychology of crime. New York: Springer Verlag.
Taylor, R. B., & Brower, S. (1985). Home and near-home territories. In I. Altman & C. Werner (Eds.), Human behavior and environment: Current theory and research (Vol. 8: Home environments). New York: Plenum.
Taylor, R. (1985). Environmental psychology. In E. M. Altmaier & M. E. Meyer (Eds.), Applied specialties in psychology. New York: Random House.
Shumaker, S. A., & Taylor, R. B. (1983). Toward a clarification of people-place relationships: A model of attachment to place. In N. R. Feimer & E. S. Geller (Eds.), Environmental psychology: Directions and perspectives. New York: Praeger.
Taylor, R. B. (1983). Conjoining environmental psychology, personality, and social psychology: Natural marriage or shotgun wedding? In N. R. Feimer & G. S. Geller (Eds.), Environmental psychology: Directions and perspectives. New York: Praeger.
Shumaker, S. A., & Taylor, R. B. (1982). Environment and social behavior. In B. Raven & Z. Rubin (Eds.), Social psychology (Second ed.). New York: Wiley.
Taylor, R. B. (1982). The neighborhood physical environment and stress. In G. W. Evans (Ed.), Environmental stress. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Taylor, R. B., Gottfredson, S. D., & Brower, S. N. (1980). The defensibility of defensible space. In T. Hirschi & M. Gottfredson (Eds.), Understanding crime. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Taylor, R. B., Brower, S., & Stough, R. (1976). User generated visual features as signs in the urban residential environment. In L. M. Ward & et al. (Eds.), The Behavioral basis of design: Book 1. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross.
Book Reviews
Taylor, R. B. (2006) Review of Illusion of Order: The False Promise of Broken Windows Policing. American Journal of Sociology 1625-1628.
Taylor, R. B. (2001) Review of The Hidden War by S. Popkin et al. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 91 537-544.
Taylor, R. B. (1992). Review of The Geography of Crime, edited by D. J. Evans and D. T. Herbert. Environment and Behavior, 24, 571-574.
Taylor, R. B. (1990). Community crime prevention in a different light. (Review of Social Construction of Reform: Crime Prevention and Community Organization, by Dan A. Lewis, Greta A. Salem, and Dennis P. Rosenbaum). Contemporary Psychology, 35, 986‑987.
Taylor, R. B. (1979). Ecological psychology demystified. (Review of Introduction to Ecological Psychology, by Allen Wicker). Contemporary Psychology, 24, 979‑980.